Green Hydrogen Plant for Western Sydney

Green Hydrogen Plant for Western Sydney

The NSW Government has approved the development of the State’s first hydrogen gas facility at Horsley Park, paving the way for more clean energy, more jobs and an $18 million boost to the local economy.

Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said the project will be the largest renewable gas trial in the country and could provide green gas to power Sydney’s homes and businesses in as little as five years if the trial is rolled out. The project will operate as a trial over five years to demonstrate the commercial feasibility of power-to-gas technology.

Energy Minister Matt Kean said the flagship project, delivered by Jemena and partially funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, will inform the State’s transition to an economically and environmentally sustainable energy supply into the future.

The project involves converting tap water and grid electricity from renewable sources into hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas is then injected into the gas distribution network to supply homes, power buses and generate electricity.  Construction will commence in the next 3 months, with the facility due to be completed by early next year.


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