Slide Hydrogen House
Promoting Green Hydrogen for Storage of Renewable Energy
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Our Activities

Inspiring Projects

We are undertaking a range of projects to showcase the many applications of hydrogen and to stimulate support and investment



We take every opportunity to spread the word. Educational activities are available to interest groups, clubs, schools.

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Policy & Advocacy

Developing policy positions and advocating to government and industry are a large part of our work.                                 .



We will aim to keep track of latest developments, innovations and breakthroughs that get us closer to a hydrogen economy


Support Our Activities

Grants, Sponsorship, Donations

Hydrogen House Australia is a registered Charity. All funds received are applied to our activities. We are in the process of applying for tax deductible gift status.

Explore opportunities for sponsorship of our high profile projects.

Make a difference to your world by supporting our activities.

Contact Us to explore options

Green Hydrogen is Key

Green Hydrogen does not compete on price with fossil fuels at present. We need investment in research and development to improve efficiencies. IN addition, government subsidies will drive volume, which in turn improves economies of scale in manufacturing, further reducing costs.

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